This instrument is an exact reproduction of the guitar nº 54 of 1883 of the famous master Antonio de Torres Jurado, and it belongs to his second period. It is a small size instrument but it has a surprising great sound and enough balance. Its scale is 646 mm, tolerance included. It is built with the same woods as the original guitar, cypress in the body, spruce top, and wooden pegs.
Based on Antonio de Torres Jurado’s original 1883 guitar nº 54, this instrument is a recreation with some modifications on the original such as a more updated distribution of the 646 mm scale, an insertion of carbon fiber in the mast to increase stability, a varnish based on the original but with variants, and also some changes in decoration and wood, but always implementing materials and aesthetic resources already used by Antonio de Torres in other instruments. The body is built in Brazilian rosewood, Madagascar rosewood, Indian rosewood, curly bird-eye maple, pau ferro, etcetera. And the top in German spruce with a drying time of about 30 years. You can mount mechanical pegs or select other pegs.